

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with correcting the alignment of teeth and improving the appearance of the smile and the function of the teeth. Many people resort to orthodontics for reasons ranging from cosmetic to functional, and to achieve health and psychological benefits from this treatment.

Benefits of orthodontics:
Improving the appearance of the smile: Improving the appearance of the smile is one of the most important reasons for resorting to orthodontics. By correcting the arrangement of teeth and correcting defects such as curvatures, spacings and regularity, orthodontics can achieve a beautiful and harmonious smile.

Improving the function of the teeth: In addition to the cosmetic aspect, orthodontics also contributes to improving the function of the mouth and gums, making the bite more effective and preventing issues related to digestion and speech.

Prevention of health problems: Reducing natural accumulations such as caries, gingivitis and tooth erosion is part of the benefits of orthodontics, as cleaning and caring for teeth becomes easier after correcting the arrangement.
Orthodontics process:

Orthodontics is achieved through the use of devices such as brackets, bases and screws, which gradually apply pressure on the teeth to move them into their appropriate positions. The treatment plan is customized according to each patient’s needs, and the process may take some time depending on the condition of the teeth.

Benefits of orthodontics:

If you are considering orthodontics, it is important to consult a dentist who specializes in this field. The doctor will evaluate your condition and guide you towards the most appropriate option to achieve your personal and health goals.

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Rihana Roy

MBBS, M.D of Medicine


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Dr. Tina Rahman

BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD

MBBS, M.D of Medicine

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Dr. Zinia Zara

MBBS, M.D of Medicine


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Dr.Zinia Zara

MBBS, M.D of Medicine

Associate Eye

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